Dentures in Schaumburg, IL

Losing a single tooth can significantly impact daily activities, making chewing, speaking, and smiling challenging tasks. For those who have lost all their teeth, these difficulties can escalate to daunting obstacles. Approximately 1 in 6 adults over 65 are edentulous, meaning they have no natural teeth remaining. For the millions of Americans affected by severe tooth loss, dentures have helped improve dental function. While traditional dentures have long been a tried and true solution for edentulism, today’s methods for full arch tooth replacement offer superior outcomes. Implant dentures provide patients with a more stable and functional alternative, enhancing their overall quality of life.

Addressing the Limitations of Traditional Dentures

Traditional full dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. Partial dentures, also removable, fill in gaps when only some teeth are missing. They use similar materials as full dentures but anchor to existing natural teeth with acrylic or metal clasps.

Conventional dentures are often the first choice for individuals who have lost all their teeth. However, they rely on the gum ridge for support and suction to stay in place. While they can restore your smile and improve your bite, their reliance on the gums becomes problematic over time. When you lose teeth, your jawbone naturally begins to deteriorate. As a result, the jaw and gum ridge change shape. Your dentures, molded to your mouth’s original structure, will start to loosen and move around or “float” in the mouth. This instability makes eating and speaking difficult and can cause embarrassing mishaps.

These issues can be improved with a professional denture relining or messy adhesives. Still, both of these are additional expenses and inconveniences that only offer a temporary solution. Many patients who come to our practice for dentures are either dissatisfied with their existing ones or exploring alternatives to address common denture issues.

Implant Dentures Provide Stability

Dentures in Schaumburg, IL | Implant-Supported Snap-On DentureImplant dentures offer enhanced stability and functionality, providing a more natural feel, increased reliability, and greater patient satisfaction. The key to their effectiveness lies in dental implants, which are sturdy titanium posts embedded into the jawbone. These posts securely anchor a complete set of upper or lower teeth, ensuring they never slip or slide.

At Happy Smiles Family Dentistry, we specialize in using mini dental implants, a modern alternative to large traditional implants. Dr. Aristodemo can place toothpick-sized devices in the jaw using a minimally invasive technique. This translates to a more efficient procedure and faster healing process than traditional dental implants. This streamlined process also makes mini dental implant solutions less expensive.

A significant benefit of mini implants is that they are more accessible than conventional implants. Many people struggling with severe tooth loss have experienced jawbone deterioration. In many cases, they are ineligible for dental implant solutions. The narrow width of mini implants makes them a viable option for patients who have experienced bone loss.

One significant advantage of mini implants is their suitability for patients who might not qualify for conventional implants because of jawbone deterioration resulting from severe tooth loss. Since mini implants are narrower, they can fit in smaller spaces, making them an excellent option for those who have experienced bone loss.

Types of Implant Dentures

We offer various types of implant dentures that align with different needs and preferences.

  1. Snap-on dentures: Sometimes called “overdentures,” this option is a hybrid between traditional and implant dentures. Like a conventional denture, the prosthetic is removable for cleaning. However, it snaps onto 4-8 mini implants to provide better stability when in use.
  2. Semi-removable roundhouse bridge: This full-arch dental bridge uses more durable materials and enhances stability. The zirconia roundhouse bridge is anchored by 6-10 mini implants. This Fix-on-Six® option is only removed by Dr. Aristodemo for cleaning and maintenance.
  3. Non-removable roundhouse bridge: Also known as permanent dentures, the non-removable roundhouse bridge is cemented onto 8-10 mini implants, providing ultimate stability and functionality. If you are looking for a denture solution that most closely replicates the function, look, and feel of natural teeth, permanent dentures are an excellent choice.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Implant dentures have many benefits for your oral health and everyday life:

  • Better fit: Implant dentures will never lose their fit or need to be relined like traditional ones.
  • Stronger bite, more taste: The mini implants holding your denture in place spread and absorb your bite forces, giving you more chewing power. You can enjoy all your favorite foods again, and they’ll taste better since implant dentures don’t cover the roof of your mouth with a bulky acrylic shield.
  • Clearer speech: Implants eliminate any unwanted lisps or other speech difficulties that come with loose dentures.
  • Long-term jawbone health: The implants themselves act as artificial tooth roots. They stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss.
  • Increased lifespan: The zirconia material used in a roundhouse bridge is ten times stronger than regular tooth enamel. If properly cared for, your new teeth can last a lifetime.

Stabilize Your Smile

Whether you are looking for your first pair of dentures or you want to upgrade your existing ones, we encourage you to consider implant options. Dr. Aristodemo and the experienced team at Happy Smiles Family Dentistry are here to help you experience a more stable, functional smile. Call us to schedule your free consultation and learn how mini dental implants can improve your oral health and quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of implant dentures will depend on which type of denture you choose and how many implants are involved. When you visit for your free consultation, Dr. Aristodemo will examine your mouth, take X-rays, and clarify what you can expect regarding treatment costs.

Snap-on dentures fit securely on your mini dental implants. In certain cases, food can get stuck under the appliance. However, the beauty of the snap-on option is how easy they are to take out and clean. With regular cleaning and a bit of attention to your eating habits, you can minimize this issue and keep your dentures comfortable and clean.

Implant dentures are crafted from materials that closely mimic the appearance of natural teeth, achieving a realistic look. Their design is less bulky than traditional dentures, and they are securely anchored by dental implants, ensuring a snug fit. This combination of natural-looking materials, improved design, and secure fitting makes implant dentures one of the most natural-looking options available in dental prosthetics.